27 april 2012

En hel helg...

....fylld med scrapbooking! Kan inte bli bättre än vårcrop hos Cocoa Daisy tillsammans med redaktionsträff hos Allt om Scrap. Och eftersom min att göra lista är rätt lång passar det bra också!

A whole weekend dedicated to scrapbooking, life couldn´t be much better! Cocoa Daisy´s Spring Crop combined with staff meeting with Allt om Scrap! Since my to do list is pretty long it is very much needed too!

Are you up for a Punky Scraps Challenge? Just a few days more to go on this one; #48 - Get picky.

This month's "Get Picky" picks are:
Amy - Anything brown
Nat - use 5 different patterned papers
Elin - use splashes of paint
Mandy - 5 lines of journaling
Cheryl - Tulle/Mesh/Burlap
Sara - Butterflies
Kim - Denim

Min layout

Material från Little Yellow House Kits Aprilkit - Dear Mr Postman

1 kommentar:

Aase sa...

Tänk vad stora de blir även dina små trollungar..

Kram Aase.